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Kundalini Yoga is an ancient science based on the art of mastering the expansion of consciousness.
Through regular practice, it participates in the awakening of the vital energy of Kundalini.






Kundalini Yoga - balances body and mind

This yoga technique activates the seven energy centers that redistribute energy throughout the body, centers also known as chakras. It is not a philosophy, a religion, a ritual or a form of physical activity but rather a technology of awakening and expansion of consciousness. Since the goal of yoga is to unify body, mind and soul, Kundalini Yoga can be understood not only as the union of self with finite consciousness, but also as the union of man with universal consciousness. Indeed, it offers a deep experience of one's own inner light to the one who practices it.

Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic blend of physical postures, breathing, movement, stretching, meditation, mantras and relaxation. This combination activates the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system, increases lung capacity and purifies blood circulation. Both safe and effective, it brings balance to body, mind and soul. It is a yoga that is very easily adaptable to everyone, regardless of the age, physical condition, profession and experience of the initiates.

Regular practice of Kundalini Yoga will help you:
•    Increase your energy level and enjoy even greater physical well-being!
•   Feel happier, healthier, more productive, more creative and more relaxed!
•    Feel more fulfilled and satisfied in your life and your relationships!
•    Become more intuitive and able to attract new opportunities!
•   Discover yourself on this exciting new journey!



Pto facilitate pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal recovery by breathing, relaxing and connecting deeply with yourself.

While adapting to your pregnancy, the practice of Prenatal Kundalini Yoga will allow you:
- Stretch and align your body so that it better adapts to your new body shape;
- Prepare and strengthen your body for childbirth and the postnatal period
-  To relax deeply physically and mentally
-  Improve your respiratory capacity (the lungs and diaphragm are essential organs for childbirth)
-  Strengthen your pelvic floor

Prepare yourself physically, mentally and spiritually for birth. You can start at any time during your pregnancy and having already done yoga is not a prerequisite. 

Together we will learn postures capable of relieving daily ailments and preparing your body for the ordeal that awaits it, but also positions, breathing techniques and meditation to channel your strength during work.

Prenatal Kundalini Yoga is also very beneficial for:
- Strengthen the mother-baby bond
- Improve emotional balance
- Develop physical and mental strength
- Feel and experience love for yourself and your baby

Each class lasts approximately forty-five minutes with practice adapted to pregnancy, followed by deep relaxation, meditation and time for sharing.

The practice can be composed of: 
- Physical postures
- Pranayama or breathing exercises
- Mantras or short sacred songs from the Indian tradition
- Mudras or symbolic hand positions to recharge your energy;
- Relaxation
- Meditation



Kundalini Yoga can be practiced in the postnatal period from the seventh week after delivery when uterine bleeding and any pelvic pain or pain related to a cesarean section have completely disappeared.

Postnatal Kundalini Yoga will be introduced very gradually for the mother, sometimes involving the baby.

She is composed :
- stretching
- spinal flexions
- work on the neck, head, arms, shoulders;
- work of the perineum
- leg work
- breathing exercises (Pranayama)
- relaxation exercises
- meditation exercises

For 4 to 5 months, the mother gently strengthens her body, week after week, before starting abdominal work again and resuming more regular physical activity.

It is entirely possible to include your baby in these sessions.
Yoga Mom & Baby is a gentle practice.

The session begins with a Mom & Baby then your child will participate in most of the postures, which will allow him to integrate and develop all his senses, and in particular his touch, his motor skills and to relax deeply.

It’s a special time to interact with other young mothers, relax and treat yourself to some real well-being in a spirit of conviviality and love.


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