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Human life begins at preconception! If we took care of ourselves and our emotions, if we listened to our bodies, and if we surrounded ourselves with people who do us good without judging us, the world would be much more at peace and united to adventure in the journey of life!






The Doula is a person trained and experienced in birth support. The Doula offers ongoing physical and emotional support for both the mother and the father, and helps with other more practical aspects during this period.

The main role of the Doula is to provide assistance to women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. 

The Doula knows all the stages of pregnancy and birth and can provide valuable assistance in establishing a birth plan, relieving pregnancy pain and the pain of contractions, helping to manage the organizational and emotional aspects of the birth. life of young parents with baby, and many other things.

The functions performed by the Doula are:

- Support parents during pregnancy to provide the best possible environment for the family of the unborn child. 
- Meet the different physical, emotional, spiritual and relational needs of the mother, father and child, with sensitivity, affection and empathy.
- Offer personalized and quality support, demonstrating flexibility, good organization and a practical spirit.
- Provide emotional support before, during and after childbirth.
- Clarify doubts and reduce anxieties linked to birth and the couple's life with the newborn.
- Provide practical advice and exercises to facilitate preparation for childbirth and relieve pain. 
- Help recognize and manage fears and other emotional blockages. 
- Celebrate and call upon feminine power. 
- Support and help young parents during the first six postnatal weeks with baby.

The Doula does not intervene in the medical process of childbirth.


Love - Birth - Life


- You think you need a guide to live more peacefully this moment of transformation that is becoming parents.
- You want support adapted to your needs, your feelings and your personality during pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal.
- You want to get pregnant and want support throughout the process.
- You have recently moved and are currently pregnant and feel poorly supported.
- You have already experienced a difficult or traumatic pregnancy or childbirth and you would like additional support this time.
- You had a miscarriage.
- You have fears and anxieties related to childbirth.
- You are afraid of pain. 
- You would like to organize a ceremony to celebrate these unique moments (120 days of pregnancy, Blessingway, Placenta Ritual, Rebozo Ritual)
- You would like to work on your confidence.
- You are single and you expect and want support for your project of conceiving a child;
- You would like personalized support during your childbirth, to relieve yourself and also relieve your partner
- You would like support, care, and reassurance during the postnatal period.
- You feel the need to speak without judgment. 

Doula services are very personalized and adapted to the needs of each mother/family/baby



The Doula can be an important interlocutor for the father because she is also aware of his place and his needs. She can provide him with moral assistance and provide him with practical and beneficial tools to live through this period more peacefully.

During the nine months of gestation, the father sees his partner's body transform, the mother's womb blossom, but he himself does not necessarily feel any physical changes. The Doula can guide the father to have the right gestures and words to better support the mother.

As a woman, the Doula can also reassure the father about the particular, instinctive state his partner is in during childbirth.

After the birth of the child, the traditional role of the father is often to return to work and ensure the security of his family. Despite this, it is important that he can be fully integrated into this new life routine to create a unique bond with his baby and flourish in his new role.


Some men may be particularly reluctant to have a Doula in their relationship, seeing it as an intrusion into their private space. The latter often become real supporters of this support once they have experienced childbirth, realizing the difficulty they would have found themselves in without the support of a neutral and experienced woman who gives them more freedom to provide personal support.



Giving birth is already a big life change, but having a baby in a country other than your own can bring additional challenges.

Being accompanied by a Doula who understands your language and situation during this time is a great way to feel fully supported and cared for before, during and after childbirth. 

Many expat women do not have the opportunity to have their mother, sister or best friend with them during their pregnancy, in the delivery room, or during the postpartum period.

A Doula is a huge support in the absence of loved ones.




- Personalized, caring support, listening to your emotions and fears without judgment.
- Answers to questions asked, advice and a search for quality information related to maternity.
- A shoulder that mothers/couples can lean on when they need it.
- A relationship of empathy and trust with the mother and father.
- Preparation for the Celebration of the 120 days of pregnancy and the “Blessingway” Ceremony.
- Listening and supporting the mother's needs, fears and concerns.
- An exchange of information and practical tools to better prepare the future father.
- A presence that brings confidence and tranquility to the woman and her partner during the birthing process.
- All the emotional and emotional support that future mothers need to feel safe and calm for one of the biggest moments of their lives: the birth of a child.
- Reflections and help in writing the birth plan.
- Childbirth and birth preparation sessions for the couple.
- Walks with the mother
- Ayurvedic massages for pregnant women
- Activities based on Art therapy 
- Postnatal plan
- Meditation
- Yoga



So that each family has a caring, conscious and respected birth experience.

The presence of the Doula, both at home and in the hospital, can help reduce anxiety in pregnant women, as well as pain, in addition to facilitating a calm and welcoming environment and a more harmonious postnatal period.

The Doula does not intervene in the medical process of childbirth.

The Doula offers a constant presence during childbirth for both the mother and the father.

It creates an atmosphere conducive to letting go and allows the mother to tap into her deep strength to connect with her baby.
The Doula accompanies you throughout the birth period. It offers ongoing physical and emotional support, while sharing practical information with the couple.

The Doula offers help through activities related to:

- the breath and respirations which help during work;
- concentration and the ability to create your own bubble
- the movements to favor when working
- the power of sounds and songs to manage pain
- relaxing massages during work

- the father and his place
- the feeling of security
- the continuous and reassuring presence of the Doula, who provides encouragement and promotes a serene environment.

The Doula offers all the emotional and emotional support necessary for the mother to feel confident and calm for one of the biggest moments of her life - the birth of her child.

The Doula encourages the father to take his place with the mother and promotes the unity of the couple during childbirth, knowing how to step aside to preserve privacy when necessary.

The Doula does not give medical advice and does not perform medical procedures. She does not perform exams, administer medications or provide infant care.

The Doula offers security and know-how for a peaceful birth.
Giving birth is a very natural, intimate process that requires time. It challenges a woman’s patience, strength and endurance. When you give birth to your child, you come into harmony with your own body.

The Doula is a presence who listens without judgment, with empathy, she accompanies parents in an atmosphere of closeness and harmony. 



Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby. 

Personalized support for each woman/family/baby

Choose comfort and recovery

According to Ayurveda, after birth is a critical period for the mother. If you really take the time to revitalize yourself after the prodigious expenditure of energy that is pregnancy and childbirth, you will avoid all kinds of health problems that you may experience later in life.

The transition to motherhood is a very important moment
in the life of the woman/couple/baby.


This is essential to give the body time to heal and recover from all the work it has done. For 9 months, the body created a human being, to whom it gave life and continued to nourish. During the 6 weeks following birth, the mother needs to feel supported, understood, loved and to take rest when she needs it, calm and gentleness to regenerate.
Without forgetting dads who also need to feel supported in this postnatal process which disrupts all routines and lifestyle habits together.

Paternity leave being very short, it can be a source of stress for fathers to have to leave their wife alone with the baby. Taking over from the dad for daily tasks such as meal preparation will allow him to give more attention to the new mother and the baby.


The baby blues which can affect the mother, and sometimes even the father, during this postnatal period are often caused by hormonal changes, but also lack of sleep, an unsuitable diet and the accumulation of fatigue and stress due to the simultaneous management of domestic tasks and the return, sometimes too early, to work.

To prevent this type of situation, developing a postnatal plan and setting up a support network can be very useful.
The Doula can help carry out this plan which consists of unloading the mother and ensuring that she rests as much as possible and eats as well as possible, to provide her with more security and serenity.

Doula to help with older children. the importance of giving time to elders when you become parents again

If the mother feels good, calm and supported, she heals better and more quickly and the rest of the family benefits from this support.
Postpartum Doula services include: 

- Mother/child support after birth on an emotional and practical level for six weeks following delivery, as well as support for the father in his new role.
- Preparation of a support plan during the 40-day period. - A presence that brings security and comfort in moments of doubt and discouragement.
- Support for the family during this period of adaptation necessary to welcoming a new member.
- Help to reduce postnatal stress.
- Help with older children. 

Rest for 40 days is essential and highly beneficial for the physical recovery of the mother following childbirth. 
It promotes the establishment of the early mother/child bond, the smooth running of breastfeeding and the general harmony of the couple within the home.


The Doula can also offer other services specific to this period:

- Ayurveda postnatal massage for the mother and newborn massage
- closing the pelvis with a sling (Mexican technique based on Rebozo)
- the Rebozo ritual (only at the end of 40 days)
- breathing adapted to the recovery of the abdominals and perineum
- reflexology treatments
- Reiki treatments (energetic hands-on treatments to harmonize the body and chakras)
- Advice for initiating breastfeeding
- Meal preparation
- Personalized meditations
- Yoni steam (or intimate treatment with steam and medicinal herbs)
- Postnatal bath
- Other rituals and postnatal care according to the needs of the family;

This period is completely flexible. It is important to follow your feelings and your needs above all! A complete follow-up over 40 days can be considered, as well as a partial follow-up, over a number of days and according to the types of services desired to be determined between the Doula and the couple. 

Why receive help?

During the first six weeks after birth, the mother needs rest to recover from the intense work done during pregnancy and childbirth.
Her pelvis is particularly weakened and she should not wear anything that could prevent the proper recovery of her body strength (apart from her newborn). The uterus also needs rest to heal.
All the physical and hormonal changes affect the emotional state of the new mother and make her hypersensitive.
A mother who agrees to receive help can in turn take care of her baby with more ease, patience and calm.



Stress sets in when the mother is not morally and physically supported in terms of daily tasks, and is not accompanied during the period of adaptation and convalescence.
During these very first weeks of life, the newborn does not yet distinguish day and night. He wakes up about every two hours to nurse and his sleep is not regular.
The mother then only sleeps a few consecutive hours at a time, which exhausts her.

According to Ayurveda, childbirth “empties” the womb of the mother who develops an excess of Vata, the element of air in traditional Indian medicine, which fills the empty spaces previously occupied by the placenta, the baby and the amniotic sac. This weakens her immune system, making her fragile and vulnerable on all levels.

The mother needs appropriate care, adequate and regular food, regenerating massage, the presence of trusted person(s) to confide in and discuss her doubts and fears, as well as daily support for all tasks. housewives so that you can invest all your energy in establishing a bond with your baby.




The Rebozo is a kind of ritual of passage that we can do at any time of our life to bring together the entire being on the physical, mental and emotional level, in a movement to close the old to move towards renewal. It marks a passage, a step to take, that of an opening to oneself, as a daughter, woman, mother and soul.

It is a meeting of you with you, at the heart of your essence.

- Before the conception of a child
- After childbirth in the postnatal period
- Puberty and the transition from childhood to adulthood
- Another moment of transition in our life (professional change, moving, bereavement, romantic breakup)
- A moment for yourself


- Prepare a woman who wants to become a mother
- Honor the woman who has just given life
- Help transition smoothly from childhood to adulthood
- Close the body and soul to open new doors and calmly welcome a change in our existence
- Say goodbye or mourn loved ones to turn a page and enter a new chapter;
- Receive feminine energy, be surrounded, nourished and loved by the sacred feminine flow
- Let go, anchor yourself, release tension, refocus and feel your limits



The Rebozo ritual requires the intervention of two practitioners to properly close the body and make the treatment more effective.

It lasts approximately THREE HOURS and takes place in four phases:

- A four-handed massage from head to toe to release all the knots, fears, energies that are stored and encapsulated in the body and that the woman needs to release;

- A rise in temperature either in a sauna or in a hot bath allows you to find a cocoon of humid heat;

- A sweating time under blankets to perspire and eliminate toxins,   which allows you to detoxify and  purify the body if necessary 

- A closure of the body with the four-handed Rebozo scarves which on 7 key points starting from the head towards the feet to find your unified body, in its entirety, its very essence.


Time to speak is taken at the beginning and end of the treatment so that the woman can express her needs, expectations and feelings in this ritual.
A decoction of plants chosen specifically for this type of treatment is offered to you throughout the treatment.



Food is a big part of healing.

Why is postpartum nutrition important?
After childbirth, digestion is often slowed down. A new mother's digestive system is very delicate, but her nutritional needs are great. The choice of foods and the way in which the mother digests her food have a great influence on the quality of breast milk but also on the recovery of the young mother, as well as on her strength and comfort. Taking care to eat well helps avoid postpartum depression and colic in the newborn.


Proper postnatal nutrition is served hot and prepared with spices that promote healing of the body, take care of the digestive system and allow good production of breast milk
Changes in the new mother's body must be nurtured slowly and kindly


Here's why postpartum nutrition is vital.
- Provides strength
- Improves breast milk
- Improve mood
- Allows faster and lasting recovery

The Doula takes care of the preparation of meals, which are made with seasonal foods, preferably organic.
The Doula develops menus for the meals that will be taken during the 40 days following delivery, taking into account the needs of the mother.
A diet that helps heal the body by giving it strength and vitality. Foods that help prevent baby colic and increased milk production.

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