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I offer a variety of treatments to support your holistic well-being. Each of these treatments is designed to meet your physical and emotional needs, helping you feel balanced and fulfilled.








Reiki is an excellent complement to any medical treatment that provides deep relaxation.

What is Reiki?

Originally from Japan, Reiki is a natural healing method which, thanks to an energetic charge transmitted by the hands, helps to relieve tension and soothe pain, by promoting good circulation of energy throughout the body. body.

This method has grown significantly in recent years as it facilitates the transmission of energy with one basic motive, which is to provide physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and well-being to living beings. All this happens only through the placement of the hands which channel the energy and redistribute it through the nerve centers or chakras, to rebalance the whole being.

It is a wonderful everyday tool for balancing and harmonizing your environment and your state of health, both inside and outside.

How does a Reiki treatment take place?

The treatment can be performed on the patient sitting or lying down. The patient remains dressed
The practitioner passes his hands over certain areas of the body, without exerting pressure or particular manipulation. The areas to be treated are targeted intuitively and following a precise code of ethics. The practitioner can also treat other parts of the body indicated by the patient.

A session lasts between 30 minutes and 1.5 hours, depending on the patient's needs.

The benefits of Reiki

By strengthening the immune system, Reiki contributes to good physical health.

By unblocking energies, it helps the body to purify itself and eliminate toxins more easily. It helps soothe symptoms linked to chronic pain, physical or emotional trauma and stress.


Reiki has a calming effect on the nervous system and rebalances emotions.

Here are other benefits of Reiki on overall health:

- Harmonizes and balances the vibrations of the mind and body.
- Balances the chakras or energy centers.
- Allows deep relaxation and real well-being.
- Optimally prepares for a medical or surgical operation,
and helps with a smoother convalescence.
- Significantly reduces migraines, menstrual cramps and other female ailments.
- Strengthens confidence and self-esteem.
- Combats stress and depression.
- Participates in personal and spiritual development.

- Reiki complements normal medical treatment. It does not replace official medicine.

One should not stop or refuse medical treatment in favor of Reiki.



At any age, it is good to have a massage and from the first time, as the massage progresses, you will be able to feel the benefits, both physiological and psychological. 

For example, massage aims to prevent certain pathologies which can begin with detoxification of "waste" which remains in our cells, better circulation then occurs, as does muscle relaxation, the release of certain nodules and appeasement. of the mind... All of this leads to a process of healing and hopefully maintaining many aspects of our lives.
From birth, we need contact to feel safe, confident and secure. As an adult, this contact through massage causes an opening of the heart, a feeling of well-being and deep joy but also and above all, a greater awareness of what is happening in your body, allowing you the necessary liberations.



Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning “knowledge of life” and refers to traditional Indian medicine.

An ancient science based on a global approach to the human being, Ayurveda recognizes the interdependence of the body, the mind, the emotions and the environment at the origin of our state of health or our imbalances.



This will allow the mother to feel relaxed and calm, which will benefit her baby at the same time. 

For Ayurveda, motherhood is one of the key periods in a woman's life: her body transforms to welcome life. It is obvious that a good development of the child depends on the condition of his mother. Traditionally, during pregnancy, she was mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically nourished and cared for every day. During this stage, the woman must be particularly pampered, surrounded and feel serene. However, it is not easy to slow down and calm down, caught between the stress of daily obligations, the bustle of the urban rhythm and the constraints of the working world. 

The benefits of massage during pregnancy include:
- reduction of back and leg pain, 
- increasing skin hydration, 
- the contribution to the prevention of stretch marks, 
- relief of sciatica, 
- connection with your body, 
- reducing stress and anxiety and even helping in the fight against depression, 
- improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation, 
- calming of the nervous system leading to more relaxing sleep
- decongestion of the basin region, thus providing more energy.

As said before, when you feel completely relaxed, your baby benefits too. Pregnant women who get massages sleep better and suffer less from anxiety and depression.

Giving birth is one of the most intense experiences in a woman's life, both mentally and physically. Also, receiving prenatal massage regularly from the 4th month until the end will allow you to flourish at the pace of pregnancy.

The massage is adapted to the stage of pregnancy and personalized according to the needs of each future mother, thanks to all of my knowledge and tools, the fruit of long experience. 



Postnatal massage contributes to the effective elimination of toxins from the body. Through the relaxation it provides and the well-being it brings, it is also an invaluable aid in relieving tension. It puts the organs back in place, helps recover from short nights, leads to better hormonal secretions and promotes breastfeeding.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, we take care of the woman during the relief period – the 40 days following birth –, in particular by massaging her every day. Indeed, the body recovers from the intensity of childbirth and the young mother gradually establishes the bond with her baby. It is very important that she is particularly pampered during this period to recover her energy, compensate for lack of sleep and reduce the hormonal yo-yo.

The post-natal massage acts like a gentle body wrap. It allows you to harmonize your energy and take time for yourself.

This moment of sweetness contributes to:
– Improve blood and lymphatic circulation and eliminate toxins
– Release tension points in the lower back, hips and abdomen
– Relieve tension in the arms, shoulders and neck, especially if you are breastfeeding and carrying your baby
– Promote convalescence in the event of a cesarean section
– Tighten the pelvis
– Bring renewed energy and deep well-being
– Find your contours and feel refocused
– Promote the feeling of confidence thanks to the release of endorphins and oxytocins

Practical details:
Body massage and foot massage with kansu bowl.
The oil used is organic sesame oil.
It is poured hot in large quantities onto the body as the massage progresses.
Arrange for a trusted person to watch over your baby while you receive the massage to ensure peace of mind.
In the event of a cesarean section, wait until the healing phase is complete and ask your midwife/gynecologist for permission to perform postnatal massage.



The traditional Mexican herbal bath is common in the postpartum period and other times in a woman's life.

For those who wish to benefit from better and faster recovery. Bathing helps the woman eliminate accumulated toxins, fluids and fatigue, as well as helping her tissues and bones return to their proper place after expanding and opening during pregnancy and childbirth. 

When to take herbal bath and body close?

In postnatal cases, this therapy can be carried out as soon as your midwife or doctor confirms that you can take a bath. 
When you feel your body and mind ready to close this phase of transformation in your life.

Some women choose to do this when their baby is one year old. The benefits have no expiration date and are equally potent for both vaginal and cesarean births. 

- Integrate the experience of having given birth both in the body and in the heart.
- Lets your cells know that this stage is complete and that it is time to close this process in which we have been very open and very exposed. 
- Adapt to the sacrum and pelvis.
- Free the body from stress
- Increase blood circulation
- To deflate body tissues.
- Eliminates toxins, fluids and accumulated fatigue.
- Encourage lactation.
- Induce deep rest.
- Relax muscles and joints.
- Energetic closure from the experience of childbirth or another life event.
- Transition from one cycle to another
- Choose the mother/wife

The therapeutic bath consists of:

- Head to toe massage - It involves holding one's body to such a degree that one releases both physically and emotionally everything that that body is carrying.
- Abdominal massage - to help your digestive system reactivate and detoxify, as well as eliminate toxins that your body cannot flush out as easily.

Herbal bath
The herbal bath is carried out in a very artisanal way, each herb is chosen individually according to your profile and your needs so that they can do their job, letting them penetrate your body and your soul to allow you to release all tensions you don't need.
Remember that all women are creators of life (children, projects, achievements, plans, goals). Women give life in different ways and we deserve to be pampered.


Closing with the Rebozo (shawl). A technique to contain yourself and close your emotions, thus freeing you and giving you that hug that we forget to give ourselves in our daily lives.

A tea is offered to help you release toxins that have already been stimulated.

This Therapy is for 
- Before getting pregnant
- The mother who had a baby recently or years ago and no one gave her a postpartum bath.
- Women need to be pampered physically, mentally and energetically.
- A person who is experiencing or has experienced a bereavement, a separation or a change in their life (even if they have not had a pregnancy), whether it is the loss of a job or a move , the separation of one's partner, the departure of a loved one.
- A start of a cycle like his birthday, etc.
All women are creators of life (children, projects, achievements, plans, goals). Women give life in different ways and we deserve to be pampered.



A ritual connects us to our inner world, allowing us to take a break and celebrate life. When we create a ritual, with clear intention, we can recognize and welcome what is changing within us and open ourselves to newness. 

The beauty of a ritual allows us to close a stage of our life, to bring a little peace, to inaugurate a new beginning, to celebrate a particular event. 
In every moment of our lives, we can perform rituals that can help us stop for a moment and focus on what's important.

These kinds of acts allow you to see more clearly what is needed in an ongoing process in your life. 

Rituals can breathe new life into healing, help direct the direction you want to take, and celebrate and remind you of what is most important to you.

Rituals can bring peace, love or welcome new energy. 
Since ancient times, in all cultures, moments of transition have been accompanied by some sort of ritual or ceremony, giving meaning and direction to this inner transformation.


The Rituals offered:

-    Design, 
-    Fertilization, 
-    120 days pregnant, 
-    Blessigway, 
-    Preparing the space to welcome the baby, 
-    Postpartum, 
-    The arrival of the first, menstruation / transition from young girl to young woman, 
-    A transformation of a change in our life, 
-    A mourning, 
-    A divorce
-    Menopause
-    Transformation of trauma
-    Celebration of life


Nowadays, we often feel an emptiness or a lack of reference in the moments of transition that we experience in our lives. We want to feel supported, we want to share these changes with those around us, in a simple way, without dogmas or religious burdens.



They find their origin in traditional Mexican medicine.
They help the person to transmute their beliefs, their fears, their blockages, everything that limits and slows the person down from moving forward in their life.
We are all born with a certain joy and vitality, but for many reasons we may have forgotten this.
Fortunately, it's never too late to remember.



Prevent, Relieve and Treat Common Daily Disorders Yourself:
Stress, pain, tension…

Reflexology is a discipline that allows prevention, relief or treatment.

By firm pressure of thumbs and fingers on the reflex points or zones located on the hands and feet.  The pressure stimulates the internal organs, glands and other parts of the body corresponding to the reflex points, and promotes the healing process.

Reflexology is a therapeutic treatment used to awaken the body's self-healing faculties.
For millennia, a large number of civilizations have used this technique.

The manipulations consist of exerting firm and constant pressure with the thumbs and fingers on the reflex points distributed on the feet. This exerted pressure stimulates the corresponding organs, glands and tissues of the body, and promotes healing. 

The objective is to help you - even if you are a beginner - to reduce and even eliminate the stress and various tensions generated by daily life, to promote a feeling of well-being. 

Reflexology is a non-invasive, harmless and natural technique that provides shape and well-being. It is not a medical treatment.

Why is it important to understand foot reflexology?

Nowadays we pay very little attention to our feet and we tend to forget that they are the support of our entire body. Therefore, good foot care means a substantial improvement of our entire organism. So, by understanding foot reflexology, we can improve many ailments or discomforts throughout the body.

Benefits of Foot Reflexology or Foot Reflexology Therapy

- Generates a relaxing effect that helps eliminate stress and facilitates physical and mental relaxation.
- Stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation.
- Strengthens the immune system and the body's self-healing potential.
- Regulates the functioning of body organs.
- Balances and restores energy levels.
- Helps eliminate toxins.
- Has a preventive therapeutic effect.
- Has an analgesic effect (relieves pain).
- It is not contraindicated in adolescents, children and the elderly.
- Stimulates creativity, increases vitality level and improves mood.


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